Nawal's Dental ClinicNawal's Dental Clinic

by Dr. Rajesh Nawal

Root Canal Treatment or RCT in short is now a well-known surgical procedure for dental problems. It is used by dentists to provide a permanent solution for infected and paining teeth nowadays. Depending upon the extent of teeth damage, type of teeth damage, and the need for external prosthesis; the dentists decide on the suitability of root canal treatment for their patients. Read the article to know about the advantages, risks, and probable costs of this treatment. 

Advantages of root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is essentially a preservation procedure, where an infected tooth is treated to conserve its remaining structure and function. The most proficient root canal dentist in Jaipur identifies the affected tooth, drills some holes in it to expose the channels, takes out the infected pulp, and thoroughly sanitizes and widens the root canals to fill them up appropriately. 

Sealing follows the procedure to ensure the maintenance of the structures and to allow the patients to use their natural teeth for a longer time. The advantages of the root canal treatment can be given as:

  • Root canal treatment has stopped the need for teeth extraction even when the problem could be easily solved. Nowadays, it enables scavenging the remaining natural teeth and maintaining their functionality. 
  • There is no chance of pain as the total treatment is done under anesthesia and the procedure can “save” the natural teeth. 
  • Root canal procedure can permanently stop the infection in the teeth and also reduce the effects of several symptoms; namely – fever, mild to severe pain, tenderness around the mouth, foul odor from the infection, swelling around the tooth or the jaw, and difficulty in movement of the jaw or the teeth.
  • Root canal procedures can also help in reducing the restriction in jaw movement and eating.
  • Decay and damage in the teeth can change their color, or generate cracks and stains. Root Canal treatment provides an artificial crown that can be color-matched to give the user a natural smile. The crown can also maintain the functions of the tooth. 
  • It can also maintain the aesthetics of the teeth. The teeth were needed to be extracted in the earlier times, however, now they can be maintained with the skillful treatment of the best dentist doctor in Jaipur. This ensures that no unsightly gap is seen between the teeth and the patient doesn’t need to be self-conscious while smiling.

Risk of RCT

Root canal treatment stands to be a very safe and commonly done procedure when done by the best dentist doctor in Jaipur, still, some risk exists in the procedure. Although it may depend on the clinic, the dentist, and the instruments being used, it is better to know about them before going forward with the treatment. Let us know about them:

  1. Pain
    The patient will not feel any pain during the procedure due to the most skilled hands of the best root canal dentist in Jaipur Nawal’s Dental Clinic. They provide the best quality anesthesia for their treatment. However, pain in varying degrees can be felt by the patient- it can range from a dull throbbing pain to constant sharp pain. This can subside within a few hours. Sometimes residual infected pulp left within the teeth cavity can give rise to bacterial infection, which can also be a reason for the sharp pain. 
  2. Undetected cracks in the tooth
    Very fine hairline cracks left within the tooth after an RCT can enable the bacteria to infect the internal material and grow within it. This event can give rise to secondary infections, inflammation, and pain. So, it would be better to consult the doctors of Nawal’s Dental Clinic, the best institution for root canal treatment in Jaipur. 
  3. Loss of the seal/filling
    Sometimes, the filling put on by the dentist can erode after some time. This can lead to cracks in it, resulting in bacterial infection. It is, therefore, best to heed the suggestions provided by the dentist after RCT, so that the filling remains as it is and there is no secondary infection. However, it is best to consult the most proficient dentist if there is any indication of root canal infection after an RCT. 

The cost of the treatment

The root canal treatment is usually a little costlier than other dental prosthesis inclusion procedures and may require the patient to come to the doctor’s chamber multiple times. The cost of a root canal treatment in the country may range from INR 3000 –INR 4000 per tooth. However, the cost will depend upon the locality, instruments, medicine, and skill of the dentist. To ensure the best treatment for the price paid, it is best to contact Nawal’s Dental Clinic, the most preferred place for root canal treatment in Jaipur. 

Dr. Rajesh Nawal
About Dr. Rajesh Nawal

SMILE SPOILERS like improper alignment of teeth, spacing between teeth, broken teeth, old fillings, attrition or wearing of enamel of teeth, smoking stains, yellow teeth, black gums, protruding teeth, jaw size discrepancies, gummy smile, fluorosis etc can be corrected and mended using a host of treatments like braces, veneers, bleaching and depigmentation.

Technological advancements are slowly decreasing the need for unsightly braces. Invisible aligners like INVISALIGN have done away with fixed wires and made the treatment invisible. Aligners are removable, transparent, do not cause food lodging, easier to maintain and patient acceptance is also better. Wilkodontics can decrease the duration of alignment treatment to as short as three months. VENEERS are instant smile correction techniques to make your smile radiant with the shape and size to suit your facial structure.

Anti-ageing treatments – restoration of lower facial height lost due to loss of enamel. LASER tooth whitening procedures are long lasting.

Most cosmetic problems also indicate an underlying functional problem – corrections will offer a better quality of life, early detection in childhood can simplify treatment.

BAD BREATH AND BLEEDING GUMS indicate gum disease which will soon lead to tooth loss. It may be due to aging, diabetes, pregnancy or genetics.

Technological advancements like LASERS ensures faster healing, less bleeding. Microscopic Dentistry improves precision. Nowadays targeted treatments and growth factors from one’s own body are also used for rapid healing. Cell culture technology are the latest developments.

Gum disease is usually due to plaque and calculus accumulation around the teeth. If addressed early, the tooth can be saved. Delay in treatment will result in tooth fall.

Sensitivity is usually an early symptom of decay, gum recession, over-zealous brushing or hard clenching or grinding habit.

Technological advancement like LASER Desensitisation, Dental loupes assisted root coverage procedures, tooth coloured fillings can cure sensitivity and save the teeth.

Before blindly following what the advertiser in the television tells, it is mandatory to check for the underlying reason and treat the same. In gum recession covering of the exposed, sensitive part of the root by gum treatments is done. Ignoring the symptom or resorting to over the counter relief measures – almost always leads to tooth loss.

PAIN in the tooth or mouth is usually due to deep decay in the tooth, wisdom tooth eruption, food collection inside gum pockets, ulcers or cracked tooth. The dentist will examine you and may need to take an x-ray to check the spread of infection.

Technological advancements like apex locators, flexible rotary tools, laser root canal, microscope assisted dentistry, have reduced the duration of treatment and the discomfort involved. Precious Metal Crowns improve durability and ensure zero allergies.

Do not use over the counter medication to treat dental pain. Clove oil cannot stop the spread of infection. If the cause of the pain is found early, the tooth can be restored to normal function.

Treatment Option

Root Canal Treatment

With luxurious ambiance, A-star hospitality, the Nawal’s Dental is a completely inimitable experience in Dentistry. Everything from the quality of the smiles that greet you to the smiles that leave the place is of a much higher stature.

With sophisticated technology and finest dentist in the world we practice almost painless procedure for a precise outcome. Our specialist in smile designing, laser dentistry, and sedation dentistry are determined to restore confident smile and to offset pain from dental procedures.

Now it is time for you to move over ordinary dental care, to get over your fear of dentists, to forget about cramped dental offices, painful treatments, and fear of catching infection due to a non-sterile atmosphere, inadequate infrastructure, and ill experienced dentists. It is time for you to Come and experience the dental care beyond the ordinary.

Fast Dental Treatment

Keeping up with changing times and tight schedules of patients, we have endeavored to keep treatment time and visits minimal. This in no way has been by virtue of compromising treatment quality. On the contrary, the best of machinery and materials have been sourced to ensure faster and more efficient working with the best possible end result.

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