The third molar teeth, found in pairs, in the top and bottom part of the back corner of the jaw in an adult human mouth, are known as the wisdom teeth. It usually appears in most people and doesn’t cause any problems. In some individuals, a wisdom tooth is not observed at all. However, if these teeth do not have fitting room to grow, they may cause several problems like pain, infection, and others. When the wisdom teeth cannot erupt properly or remain confined in the jaw, it is known as an impacted tooth.
Usually, the pain and infection can be treated by medicine at first. However, when the conditions become severe, a dental surgeon or dentist will have to pull the offending tooth out through wisdom teeth removal, otherwise called a wisdom tooth extraction.
Problems Taking Place With Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Mostly, ill-formed wisdom teeth don’t show any symptom unless it gets infected with bacteria because of the hard-to-reach food debris in the space between the impacted wisdom tooth and the jawbone. These issues are not always solved by a root canal repair in Jaipur at the most popular clinic; however, they can act as a warning bell for the patient. The dentists state the problems as follows:
- Pain
- Infection is caused by food particles stuck between the jaw and teeth.
- Caries in a partially impacted wisdom tooth
- A wound on the nearby teeth or adjoining bone.
- Development of a fluid-filled sac close to the wisdom tooth.
- The gradual transformation of the sac to a non-cancerous cyst.
- A problem in performing other orthodontic treatments on the nearby teeth.
Removal Of Wisdom Teeth
The extraction procedure for impacted wisdom teeth is not extended like root canal repair in Jaipur, although the best dentists in their class perform both. Mostly, it is an ‘outpatient’ procedure, which allows patients to return home the same day. The dentist can refer to a dental surgeon if the case is severe.
- Before The Extraction Procedure
The questions you should ask your dentist about the extraction procedure:
– Number of wisdom teeth to be removed
– Type of anesthesia administered
– Is there any chance of complications in the process?
– The time required
– Any damage to other teeth due to the impacted teeth
– Any case of nerve damage
– Would the patient need any other dental treatment after the procedure? - Preparation stage
The office of the dentist will give you the following information, which you should follow very stringently:
– The time the patient should reach the clinic.
– Should any person be needed to accompany the patient?
– Whether there is any requirement to stop eating or drinking any fluid, and if so, the time to do so.
– Whether the patient can continue taking their pre-prescribed medicine, if it is permitted, how long before the operation should they take it?
– Is there any need to avoid over-the-counter medicine? - The procedure
The procedure of wisdom teeth removal is routinely performed in the best dental clinic. However, you can get the most scientifically optimized design completed by the most experienced Dentist in Jaipur. The procedure is described in short below:
– The surgeon can give you local, sedation, or general anesthesia according to the severity of the issues of the impacted teeth. Depending on the anesthesia, the patient will be numb at the surgery site, totally devoid of feeling, or altogether unconscious.
– There will be an incision made in the gum tissue, and that will uncover the bone.
– If any bone is in the way of the root of the tooth, the dental surgeon will extract it.
– The dentist might take out the tooth in multiple pieces.
– Next, the surgeon will remove any bone or tissue debris, if present.
-By suturing the incision site, the surgeon can expedite healing.
-Lastly, they will place gauze on the incision site to help the formation of a blood clot. They may also administer some medicine to stop the bleeding.Contact Dr. Nawal’s Dental Clinic to get the most modern treatment if you have any impacted teeth problems.
- After-surgery precautions
The patient will be free to return back home post-surgery. However, they have to keep in mind some factors that will hasten the recovery:
– The surgery site may exude some blood after the teeth removal. However, they should spit as little as possible to stop the clot from getting dislodged. The patient will have to replace the gauze as suggested by the physician.
– There might be some pain after the operation. At first, they may hold an ice pack against the jaw to reduce the pain. The doctor may prescribe some general pain relievers like lidocaine for pain management. The ice pack will also help in subsiding the swelling and bruising.
– The patient will have to drink lots of water after the operation. However, they should not take in caffeinated, carbonated, hot, or alcoholic beverages for at least one day after the process. They should also avoid using a straw to prevent displacing the blood clot. Moreover, they should only have soft foods for a day after surgery and refrain from eating hard, spicy, or chewy food to stop aggravating the wound or blocking the socket.
Calling The Best Clinic
The pain should not stay for long after the impacted tooth is extracted. However, the patients should continue visiting the best Dentist in Jaipur regularly for check-ups. The most popular clinic will always provide the best service to patients with different dental problems.