Nawal's Dental ClinicNawal's Dental Clinic

By Dr. Rajesh Nawal

Dental Braces in Jaipur

Braces are prosthetic devices used for the orthodontic treatment of incorrectly positioned teeth. With these devices made from ceramic or metal, the teeth can be moved or repositioned to aid in their functions like eating. 

With the highly proficient job done by the skilled doctors of Nawal’s Ivory Dental Clinic, you can be assured about the top-class look you would get. Along with the physical benefits, our treatments ensure that your smile becomes the most beautiful. 

Orthodontic treatment: a little know-how

Orthodontic treatment is the use of dental appliances like braces, fixtures, and aligners to correct twisted or improperly fitting teeth. Our skilled dental technicians use the topmost-quality dental retainer in Jaipur to solve these problems and keep the client’s mouth healthy. Usually, the treatment is started during childhood; nowadays, adults are also opting for this to enjoy strong gum and a set of dazzling teeth. Our team of skilled dental surgeons provides the best services in this matter. 

Repositioned teeth also change the smile of an individual. Our clinic can improve your smile by a significant degree with ongoing treatment regimens. Along with proficient and experienced manpower, our top-of-the-line instruments can provide you with the best examples of smile orthodontics in Jaipur. Our treatments provide your teeth and gum with the most effective long-term effects. 

Best time to start the treatment

The optimum age to start the treatment is 10-14 years as the child is still in the growing phase and the crooked teeth are easier to realign. Depending upon the severity, the extent of the treatment will be 16 to 18 months. For certain jaw problems, the treatment can even be started at the age of 6 years. 

Especially in children, certain habits like mouth breathing, and thumb sucking can be discontinued by orthodontic pieces of equipment. 

The reasons to have braces

Usually, you will find that dental braces are applied most commonly for crooked or unevenly spaced teeth. The braces we apply slowly pressurize the teeth, produce changes in the jawbone, and allow the roots to move to the correct position. Apart from that, the reasons why our skilled dental experts can suggest the installation of braces for your teeth can be listed as;

  • The size of jaw is bigger than the teeth, which makes the spaces between them uneven and big.
  • In opposite situations, the teeth may look crowded and overlapped. This also can happen due to the decay of teeth in childhood, resulting in a loss of space. 
  • Apparent elongation of the face due to continuous mouth breathing because of chronic allergies or a deviated septum.
  • Due to the childhood habit of thumb-sucking or thrusting the tongue, the teeth may come forward. For this reason, the front of the teeth during a bite does not meet together, known as an open bite. They also may not be able to close their lips fully.

All of these problems can be set right by the most effective braces for gap teeth in Jaipur. We use top-quality braces for our clients, giving them a proper makeover from their disfiguration. 

The problems solved by our orthodontics

The orthodontic procedures applied by our team of skilled dental physicians work on multivariate levels. On the aesthetic side, several associated problems can be cleared by the application of a proper teeth retainer in Jaipur. Here are some of the causes of why the application of braces can become necessary;

  1. Crowded and overlapping teeth present difficulty while cleaning, as dirt or food can get trapped in them. This can ultimately develop into cavities or gum disease.
  2. Most of the time, decay in one tooth overlapping with others can also cause the deterioration to spread into the others.
  3. Extended teeth have a greater risk of suffering injuries from various factors.
  4. The presence of space between the teeth results in the early loss of bone and also the lessening of support.
  5. Problems in the growth of the jaw can give rise to inflammation in the temporomandibular joint or TMJ; which can cause intense and continuous pain. In serious cases, it can also result in Temporomandibular disorder (TMD). 
  6. Improperly aligned teeth also affect the appearance of the face. 

As these alignment issues can cause problems in the long run, it is better to take the steps for their remediation as soon as possible. 

Give us a call

Our braces are designed to spread the biting pressure across the teeth and provide long-term benefits towards tooth health, making it one of the most effective orthodontic treatments in Jaipur. Our clinic has all the necessary arrangements to provide the most operational orthodontic treatment for any of the related problems of the client. We use the best instruments and top-quality fixtures to realign crooked or disfigured teeth.

A sparkling smile is surely an extension of your magnetic personality! If you wish to get professional treatments for dental braces in Jaipur, get in touch with Nawal’s Ivory Dental clinic today! 

By Dr. Rajesh Nawal

Before And After Of A Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The third molar teeth, found in pairs, in the top and bottom part of the back corner of the jaw in an adult human mouth, are known as the wisdom teeth. It usually appears in most people and doesn’t cause any problems. In some individuals, a wisdom tooth is not observed at all. However, if these teeth do not have fitting room to grow, they may cause several problems like pain, infection, and others. When the wisdom teeth cannot erupt properly or remain confined in the jaw, it is known as an impacted tooth.

Usually, the pain and infection can be treated by medicine at first. However, when the conditions become severe, a dental surgeon or dentist will have to pull the offending tooth out through wisdom teeth removal, otherwise called a wisdom tooth extraction.

Problems Taking Place With Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Mostly, ill-formed wisdom teeth don’t show any symptom unless it gets infected with bacteria because of the hard-to-reach food debris in the space between the impacted wisdom tooth and the jawbone. These issues are not always solved by a root canal repair in Jaipur at the most popular clinic; however, they can act as a warning bell for the patient. The dentists state the problems as follows:

  • Pain
  • Infection is caused by food particles stuck between the jaw and teeth.
  • Caries in a partially impacted wisdom tooth
  • A wound on the nearby teeth or adjoining bone.
  • Development of a fluid-filled sac close to the wisdom tooth.
  • The gradual transformation of the sac to a non-cancerous cyst.
  • A problem in performing other orthodontic treatments on the nearby teeth.

Removal Of Wisdom Teeth

The extraction procedure for impacted wisdom teeth is not extended like root canal repair in Jaipur, although the best dentists in their class perform both. Mostly, it is an ‘outpatient’ procedure, which allows patients to return home the same day. The dentist can refer to a dental surgeon if the case is severe.

  1. Before The Extraction Procedure
    The questions you should ask your dentist about the extraction procedure:
    – Number of wisdom teeth to be removed
    – Type of anesthesia administered
    – Is there any chance of complications in the process?
    – The time required
    – Any damage to other teeth due to the impacted teeth
    – Any case of nerve damage
    – Would the patient need any other dental treatment after the procedure?
  2. Preparation stage
    The office of the dentist will give you the following information, which you should follow very stringently:
    – The time the patient should reach the clinic.
    – Should any person be needed to accompany the patient?
    – Whether there is any requirement to stop eating or drinking any fluid, and if so, the time to do so.
    – Whether the patient can continue taking their pre-prescribed medicine, if it is permitted, how long before the operation should they take it?
    – Is there any need to avoid over-the-counter medicine?
  3. The procedure
    The procedure of wisdom teeth removal is routinely performed in the best dental clinic. However, you can get the most scientifically optimized design completed by the most experienced Dentist in Jaipur. The procedure is described in short below:
    – The surgeon can give you local, sedation, or general anesthesia according to the severity of the issues of the impacted teeth. Depending on the anesthesia, the patient will be numb at the surgery site, totally devoid of feeling, or altogether unconscious.
    – There will be an incision made in the gum tissue, and that will uncover the bone.
    – If any bone is in the way of the root of the tooth, the dental surgeon will extract it.
    – The dentist might take out the tooth in multiple pieces.
    – Next, the surgeon will remove any bone or tissue debris, if present.
    -By suturing the incision site, the surgeon can expedite healing.
    -Lastly, they will place gauze on the incision site to help the formation of a blood clot. They may also administer some medicine to stop the bleeding.

    Contact Dr. Nawal’s Dental Clinic to get the most modern treatment if you have any impacted teeth problems.

  4. After-surgery precautions
    The patient will be free to return back home post-surgery. However, they have to keep in mind some factors that will hasten the recovery:
    – The surgery site may exude some blood after the teeth removal. However, they should spit as little as possible to stop the clot from getting dislodged. The patient will have to replace the gauze as suggested by the physician.
    – There might be some pain after the operation. At first, they may hold an ice pack against the jaw to reduce the pain. The doctor may prescribe some general pain relievers like lidocaine for pain management. The ice pack will also help in subsiding the swelling and bruising.
    – The patient will have to drink lots of water after the operation. However, they should not take in caffeinated, carbonated, hot, or alcoholic beverages for at least one day after the process. They should also avoid using a straw to prevent displacing the blood clot. Moreover, they should only have soft foods for a day after surgery and refrain from eating hard, spicy, or chewy food to stop aggravating the wound or blocking the socket.

Calling The Best Clinic

The pain should not stay for long after the impacted tooth is extracted. However, the patients should continue visiting the best Dentist in Jaipur regularly for check-ups. The most popular clinic will always provide the best service to patients with different dental problems.

By Dr. Rajesh Nawal

Benefits, Risks, and Cost of Root Canal Treatment: Things to Know

Root Canal Treatment or RCT in short is now a well-known surgical procedure for dental problems. It is used by dentists to provide a permanent solution for infected and paining teeth nowadays. Depending upon the extent of teeth damage, type of teeth damage, and the need for external prosthesis; the dentists decide on the suitability of root canal treatment for their patients. Read the article to know about the advantages, risks, and probable costs of this treatment. 

Advantages of root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is essentially a preservation procedure, where an infected tooth is treated to conserve its remaining structure and function. The most proficient root canal dentist in Jaipur identifies the affected tooth, drills some holes in it to expose the channels, takes out the infected pulp, and thoroughly sanitizes and widens the root canals to fill them up appropriately. 

Sealing follows the procedure to ensure the maintenance of the structures and to allow the patients to use their natural teeth for a longer time. The advantages of the root canal treatment can be given as:

  • Root canal treatment has stopped the need for teeth extraction even when the problem could be easily solved. Nowadays, it enables scavenging the remaining natural teeth and maintaining their functionality. 
  • There is no chance of pain as the total treatment is done under anesthesia and the procedure can “save” the natural teeth. 
  • Root canal procedure can permanently stop the infection in the teeth and also reduce the effects of several symptoms; namely – fever, mild to severe pain, tenderness around the mouth, foul odor from the infection, swelling around the tooth or the jaw, and difficulty in movement of the jaw or the teeth.
  • Root canal procedures can also help in reducing the restriction in jaw movement and eating.
  • Decay and damage in the teeth can change their color, or generate cracks and stains. Root Canal treatment provides an artificial crown that can be color-matched to give the user a natural smile. The crown can also maintain the functions of the tooth. 
  • It can also maintain the aesthetics of the teeth. The teeth were needed to be extracted in the earlier times, however, now they can be maintained with the skillful treatment of the best dentist doctor in Jaipur. This ensures that no unsightly gap is seen between the teeth and the patient doesn’t need to be self-conscious while smiling.

Risk of RCT

Root canal treatment stands to be a very safe and commonly done procedure when done by the best dentist doctor in Jaipur, still, some risk exists in the procedure. Although it may depend on the clinic, the dentist, and the instruments being used, it is better to know about them before going forward with the treatment. Let us know about them:

  1. Pain
    The patient will not feel any pain during the procedure due to the most skilled hands of the best root canal dentist in Jaipur Nawal’s Dental Clinic. They provide the best quality anesthesia for their treatment. However, pain in varying degrees can be felt by the patient- it can range from a dull throbbing pain to constant sharp pain. This can subside within a few hours. Sometimes residual infected pulp left within the teeth cavity can give rise to bacterial infection, which can also be a reason for the sharp pain. 
  2. Undetected cracks in the tooth
    Very fine hairline cracks left within the tooth after an RCT can enable the bacteria to infect the internal material and grow within it. This event can give rise to secondary infections, inflammation, and pain. So, it would be better to consult the doctors of Nawal’s Dental Clinic, the best institution for root canal treatment in Jaipur. 
  3. Loss of the seal/filling
    Sometimes, the filling put on by the dentist can erode after some time. This can lead to cracks in it, resulting in bacterial infection. It is, therefore, best to heed the suggestions provided by the dentist after RCT, so that the filling remains as it is and there is no secondary infection. However, it is best to consult the most proficient dentist if there is any indication of root canal infection after an RCT. 

The cost of the treatment

The root canal treatment is usually a little costlier than other dental prosthesis inclusion procedures and may require the patient to come to the doctor’s chamber multiple times. The cost of a root canal treatment in the country may range from INR 3000 –INR 4000 per tooth. However, the cost will depend upon the locality, instruments, medicine, and skill of the dentist. To ensure the best treatment for the price paid, it is best to contact Nawal’s Dental Clinic, the most preferred place for root canal treatment in Jaipur. 

By Dr. Rajesh Nawal

5 Symptoms Which Indicates You Need Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that helps in eliminating the root and pulp of a decaying tooth. The outside of your teeth is layered with enamel. After that, it has a second layer known as dentin and has a softcore. The core of your teeth contains dental pulp, which is filled with blood vessels, connective tissue, and nerves. But whether you need to see a root canal dentist in Jaipur or not depends on the symptoms you might experience. But to know what those symptoms are you can check the information provided in this document.

Signs that tell the importance of RCT

You might come across quite a few symptoms, but it is always better to visit a dentist to be sure. These signs might give you an idea of whether you need root canal treatment in Jaipur or not. To know what these signs or symptoms are, check the information below.

  1. Persistent Pain: When you are experiencing persistent pain, it’s a sign that shows you need treatment for a root canal. The pain might be there always or for some time. You will feel this particular pain on the bone of your tooth. Otherwise, you will feel pain in the jaw, face, or between your teeth. Tooth pain also gives birth to many other causes rather than a root canal, such as gum disease, a damaged filling, and a cavity. It can also be an impacted tooth that is infected and a referred pain due to a sinus infection.
  2. Sensitivity to Cold and Heat: If your tooth hurts when you eat something hot like tea or coffee or feels cold when you drink icy-cold water and ice cream, it shows you have tooth sensitivity. The sensitivity might be like a sharp or dull pain. If this pain keeps lingering for a much longer period, you will need the root canal treatment, even when you stop drinking or eating. On the other hand, if you experience a cold or hot sensitivity, it stands out as an indication that the blood vessels within your tooth are damaged.
  3. Swollen Gums: When you have swollen gums near your tooth, it stands out like a sign of a root canal treatment. Although the swelling will go and come, it will become pretty tender when you touch it. Otherwise, you will not feel any pain when you touch the swollen area. The main reason for swelling to occur is because of the acidic waste items of the dead pulp tissues. This might lead to swelling outside of the root tip area. You will also come across a small pimple on your gum, which is known as an abscess, parulis, or gum boil. The pimple might ooze out the pus towards the tooth. This will lead to bad breaths and an unpleasant taste in your mouth.
  4. A Cracked or Chipped Tooth: A chipped or cracked tooth can lead to dental issues and that’s when you need a root canal treatment. A chipped tooth can happen because of accidents, chewing on the hard stuff, or as a result of sports injuries. It’s because when such issues take place, it causes bacteria that will cause infection and inflammation. If you do not have a chipped or cracked tooth, but you have injured it will still cause damage to the nerves present within the tooth. Once the nerve becomes inflamed, it will cause sensitivity and pain for which, you will need root canal treatment.
  5. Tooth Discoloration: Infection within the tooth’s pulp will lead to tooth discoloration. The breakdown of the internal tissues or trauma to the tooth will damage the root and, in return, will provide you with a greyish-black tooth. Experts say that the tooth will pulp will die when there is an adequate amount of blood supply, which signals a possible requirement for a root canal treatment. The discoloration of the tooth occurs due to many other reasons. But it will be better to consult about this problem with a dentist.

How is a root canal treatment provided?

When you have decided to opt for root canal treatment, you need to contact a root canal dentist for the job. They possess the skills, knowledge, and understanding to offer targeted dental problems for such issues. The dentist will extract out the bacteria and disinfect it with antibiotics. Once the cleaning work is done, the dentist will refill the area and seal it to prevent any other issues from occurring. 

Before you opt for root fracture treatment in Jaipur, make sure to learn more about it. As a result, you will come to know whether the treatment is right and appropriate for you. You can also learn more about the treatment through the internet or ask friends or family members who have already opted for the treatment.

Will the root canal treatment hurt you?

There are many individuals out there who get cold feet when they think about root canal treatment. But in this modern world, technology has advanced. The treatments related to root canals have become less painful. 

Your dentist will use local anesthesia during the treatment, and the chances of you feeling any pain or discomfort will be pretty low. You can ask your dentist about the treatment procedure for a root canal before you opt for it. Tenderness or a sore feeling might be there during the treatment. To lessen the impact of such pain, dentists can offer you OTC medicines. 

The Takeaway

Root canal treatment stands out as a healthful technique. Individuals who undergo this particular treatment will obtain positive outcomes for their whole. But how long the procedure lasts will depend entirely on how exactly you maintain or take care of your teeth. Doing so will keep it in good condition and prevent unwanted oral or dental problems from occurring in the future.

By Dr. Rajesh Nawal

Invisible Teeth Braces – Pros and Cons

Teeth braces are mainly used to correct misaligned teeth or redesign the smile according to the patient’s wish. Traditionally, metal braces are used with brackets and wires for this purpose; however, the prosthetics were visible. Therefore, the user often would hesitate to smile freely. With improved dental prosthetics, teeth braces that completed the job and were not too obvious are gradually developed. However, to ensure that these braces do their job correctly, the wearer must fulfill the different related guidelines. Therefore, it is best to visit the top dental clinic in Jaipur to get the best quality invisible braces.

The Gradual Development Of Braces

The process of applying metal braces to reposition the teeth has been in practice for many years. It is fixed in place by metal brackets and wires. In between, stubs of rubber-like materials were placed to avoid friction between the two frames. However, mainly because of their visible nature, metal braces were not popular among wearers. 

After metal braces, clear braces came into the market. In this method, brackets of transparent ceramic are applied to fix a metal wire to the teeth. It was a less visual prosthetic and was functional more or less. However, after achieving the required results, the user had to visit the dentist to remove the wires and brackets.

The most modern development in this field was invisible teeth braces or often called dental aligners. These braces are made up of a thermostable plastic material transparent to the eye and fit snugly onto the teeth. It is a set of clear plastic trays. Due to this fitting, it is not easily visible. However, the wearer has to follow specific instructions during and after their use.

Their functioning mechanism remains the same: all these braces put continuous but little pressure on the teeth to gradually place them in their new positions.

General Manufacturing Of Invisible Teeth Braces

As said earlier, the invisible braces were manufactured from a specialized thermostable plastic material. The best quality teeth retainer in Jaipur is prepared according to their wearer’s need by utilizing computer software. This program directs a milling machine to prepare the invisible braces as per the data provided by a digital scan projection. Usually, a numbered set of these invisible teeth braces is supplied to the patient. The settings are to be continuously changed every week or two, and the patient has to wear the braces for 20 – 22 hours daily. You can remove it only during eating and completing oral hygiene practices.

The Advantages Of Invisible Braces

Invisible teeth braces were first developed in the ’90s, and different companies have prepared various versions. The latest versions are sturdier and take less time to finish their job. In addition, one can list other benefits of these braces as:

  • Adults and teens wanting straighter teeth must use braces but may not like to show it to everyone. This demand is fulfilled by invisible braces, which can beautify crooked teeth without diminishing their smile, along with their confidence.
  • Patients suffering from crowded teeth, overbites, spacing, crossbites, underbites, and other dental issues can use invisible braces.
  • Patients can observe the continuing advancement and shift of the teeth into their designated places. They continue using the aligner trays more as they see the developments themselves.
  • The aligner trays are removable, and therefore the patient can eat any food they want. However, old-fashioned metal braces are non-removable, and difficult to clean (because of the trapping of food in the metal brackets and wires). As a result, they cannot have certain types of food while wearing them. Moreover, often the food lodged in the metal braces reduces the aesthetic appeal of their smile. 
  • Cleaning, flossing, and brushing are easier with invisible dental braces than the traditional metal ones.
  • Metal braces can stick out inside the mouth and can scratch or puncture the oral cavity. Invisible braces are made up of clear and smooth thermostable plastic, which doesn’t cause any injury inside the mouth.
  • Invisible braces take about one to one-and-half years to properly straighten the teeth compared to metal braces, which take three to 5 years. However, the entire plan is computerized, so the patients already know what to expect and its time. 

The Disadvantages Of Invisible Teeth Braces

Like other prosthetics, invisible dental braces have certain shortcomings. They are as follows:

  • Invisible dental braces are most effective in treating mild to moderate disfiguration. Patients who have big tooth spaces or large overbites may not show significant effects. Teeth rotated more than 20 degrees or angled more than 45 degrees have a better chance of remission with traditional metal braces.
  • Invisible retainers may be more problematic for patients with porcelain veneers and crowns.
  • Invisible braces may not appropriately treat sloped, short, slanted, or hung teeth.
  • The patient may face temporary speech problems.
  • Any dental treatment would have to be completed before applying invisible teeth braces as the change in shape may affect the attachment of these braces.
  • It may be problematic for invisible teeth brace users to remove the attachment during a meal in a public setting.

Visiting The Best Clinic

Teeth braces are manufactured specifically for a patient, so it is crucial to get them from an experienced clinic. Contact Dr. Nawal’s Dental Clinic to get the best treatment and top-quality transparent braces in Jaipur. With the assistance of the most proficient dental technicians, you can get the best treatment for any dental issue.

By Dr. Rajesh Nawal

Wisdom Tooth Extraction – How It’s Performed

The four permanent adult teeth found at the top and bottom in the back corner of your mouth are known as the wisdom tooth. Usually, it generally erupts for most people and does not cause any problems. For some individuals, wisdom tooth does not develop at all. However, these teeth may cause problems if it doesn’t have a good room to grow (also known as impacted tooth) like pain, infection, and other dental problems.

In severe conditions, the tooth is needed to be pulled by a dental surgeon or a dentist through a process known as wisdom teeth extraction.

Reason For Performing The Procedure

Wisdom teeth, also known as the third molar teeth, appear between the age of 17 to 25 in humans. In some cases, they do not have suitable room to erupt in or develop properly. Partial or absence of growth is expected in impacted teeth. Some oral surgeons or dentists can suggest that the procedure is completed earlier when the affected tooth is not causing any problems. They provide the following reasons for doing this operation:

  • Asymptomatic impacted wisdom teeth can get infected and have harmful microbes present.
  • The absence or reduction of space because of the impacted wisdom tooth makes it harder to access and clean it properly.
  • Younger adults have lower instances of serious complications occurring with impacted wisdom teeth.
  • The probability of difficulty and complications after dental operations increases in senior adults.

Issues Occurring With Ill-Formed Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth may be asymptomatic, but some dentists prefer to extract them before it starts to cause any problems. Dentists of the most popular clinic cannot always perform a root canal treatment in Jaipur to solve the issues, as impacted wisdom teeth are not always easily accessible. One can list the problems as:

  • Ache
  • Food and debris lodging behind the wisdom tooth
  • Infection
  • Decay in a partly appeared wisdom tooth
  • Injury in the surrounding bone or the neighboring teeth. 
  • Growth of a cyst (fluid-filled sac) nearby the wisdom tooth
  • Difficulties with orthodontic management to level other teeth

The Preparation Stage

Wisdom Tooth Extraction is not a complex procedure; however, depending upon the seriousness of the injury and state of the impacted teeth, a dental surgeon or dentist may operate in their office. They will numb the area of operation before the surgery and suggest sedation to make you more comfortable. Before that, the patient will have to know about the following information from the clinic or the doctor:

  • Requirement for any person to accompany the patient.
  • The time to reach the dental clinic
  • Is there any need to stop eating or drinking any fluid? If so, how long before the operation?
  • Can the patient take their prescribed medication before the surgery? If yes, when should they take it before the surgery?
  • Should any over–the–counter (OTC) medicine be taken or avoided?

Get in touch with Nawal’s Dental Clinic for the best treatment for your impacted tooth.

The Procedure

The process of extracting wisdom teeth is standardized for each clinic or dental institution. The most experienced and best dentist doctor in Jaipur will complete the operation quickly. In most cases, the patient can go home the same day. In short, the procedure can be stated as:

  • Depending upon the depth of the surgery and the situation of the impacted teeth, the dentist will apply local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia. Depending upon the anesthesia, you will feel no pain but could or could not have a memory of the procedure.
  • The dental surgeon will expose the bone by making an incision in the gum tissue.
  • The doctor will then take out the bone that blocks access to the tooth root.
  • They can remove the tooth piece by piece if it’s easier.
  • Then, the surgeon will remove any tooth or bone debris from the operation site and clean it.
  • Afterward, they can stitch the incision site to hasten the healing, although it is optional.
  • Finally, they will cover the site with gauze to promote the formation of a blood clot and control the bleeding.

After-Surgery Precautions

The patient will have to keep in mind the factors mentioned below:

  • Oozing of some blood is normal after wisdom teeth removal. They should avoid excessive spitting; otherwise, the blood clot may get out. The gauze should be replaced as directed by the surgeon.
  • Pain after the surgery is also common. The dentist may suggest OTC pain relievers like acetaminophen for pain management. Otherwise, holding an ice pack against the jaw will help.
  • The patient can also use the ice pack to get relief from the swelling and bruising.
  • The patent should rest for the remainder of the day after the surgery. They can continue regular activity after 24 hours; however, they should refrain from vigorous exercise for at least a week to avoid dislodging the blood clot.
  • The surgeon will recommend drinking lots of water after the surgery. The patient should not drink carbonated, hot, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverages during the first 24 hours of the surgery, especially with a straw. Otherwise, the blood clot may get displaced.
  • The patients must take only soft food after the operation for one day and avoid spicy, hard, and chewy food that could irritate the wound or block the socket.

Consulting Experienced Dentists

Usually, the problems go away after a successful extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth. Still, patients should visit dentists periodically. If they face any problem due to wisdom teeth, be sure to contact the best dentist doctor in Jaipur at the best clinic for their dental problems.

By Dr. Rajesh Nawal

Symptoms And Causes Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Adult human beings have 32 teeth in their mouth divided into incisor, molar, premolar, and canine types. The molars are the most prominent teeth in the oral cavity, of which four erupt last in the oral cavity. The third molars situated two above, two below on each jaw, and also at the back of the mouth, are referred to as wisdom teeth.

Pre-Emptive Precautions

If the wisdom teeth cannot usually emerge or don’t have room to grow, it can cause several problems in the patient. In most cases, problems with wisdom teeth require extraction. However, some dentists suggest taking out the impacted wisdom teeth earlier because of the following reasons:

  • The impacted wisdom tooth doesn’t have enough space, so it will be hard for the dentist to access and clean it.
  • Young people are less prone to impacted wisdom teeth problems, whereas people of advanced age are more vulnerable to these problems.
  • There can be oral disease issues in wisdom teeth as well, but you might not come across any visible symptoms.

Wisdom teeth with faulty positioning or improper emerging are known as impacted wisdom teeth. It can cause damage to other teeth, pain, and other oral issues. They are hard to access and therefore show a greater probability of getting infected, gum disease, and tooth decay. It is best to consult the doctors at the Best Dental Hospital in Jaipur for any problems with a wisdom tooth.

Different Types Of Faulty Positioning 

The wisdom teeth might not erupt at all for some people, and others may experience only a partial appearance. The different types of positions of an impacted wisdom tooth can be stated as:

  • It may grow skewed towards the second molar.
  • It may show angular growth towards the back of the oral cavity.
  • It can grow in a ‘lying down position’ within the jawbone.
  • It can grow upwards or downwards like other teeth but stay confined within the mandible.

The dental surgeon will determine the required surgical treatment according to the state of the patient’s wisdom teeth.

Symptoms Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted Wisdom Teeth don’t need to have a symptom mandatorily. In a normal situation, it can remain asymptomatic. However, if the wisdom teeth affect other teeth adversely, get infected, or cause other dental problems, then they may show the following symptoms:

  • Inflamed and reddish gums
  • Bloody or tender gum tissue
  • Pain in the jaw
  • Smelly breath
  • The patient may experience a disagreeable taste in the mouth.
  • Problems in moving the mouth

If you observe these problems in your oral cavity, you must contact the most experienced root canal dentist in Jaipur.

Causes Of The Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The principal reason for wisdom teeth getting impacted is the unavailability of space in the jaw among the other teeth. However, mainly because of the absence of the needed space, the teeth cannot develop properly and line up behind the second molars. The positioning and the faulty growth of the teeth result in an incomplete appearance (partially impacted), or it doesn’t come out at all (completely impacted).

In humans, wisdom teeth erupt at the age of 17 – 25. It is not observed in all human beings and may not give any signs during its eruption in the oral cavity. However, impacted teeth may cause several problems in the oral cavity of a patient.

Complications occurring due to impacted wisdom teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause many problems in the patient’s oral cavity, some of which can be listed as:

  • The impacted wisdom teeth can put pressure against the second molar, either damaging or increasing the possibility of infection in that area. The stress can affect the other teeth due to crowding, which may need specialized orthodontic equipment to treat.
  • The impacted wisdom teeth may develop a fluid-filled sac inside the jawbone. This outgrowth can grow into a cyst, harming the neighboring teeth, nerves, and jawbone. A non-cancerous tumor may develop, but the chances of that happening are very low. The dental surgeon may have to remove tissue and bone in case of surgical treatment of the tumor.
  • Partially impacted wisdom teeth have a higher probability of getting affected by caries or tooth decay. The reason may be the improper cleaning of the impacted teeth due to problematic access, allowing food particles to get trapped between the gum and an incompletely appeared tooth. Bacteria grow on this food particle and cause decay.
  • The difficulty of cleaning a partially impacted wisdom tooth can increase the probability of pericoronitis – a painful, inflammatory state of the gum in the area of the faulty impaction.

Difficulties After Wisdom Tooth Surgery

A problematic wisdom tooth is removed surgically by an experienced dental surgeon. However, in case of serious complications, the surgeon may cut open the gum and remove the bone. The different complications arising from this procedure can be listed as:

  • Bacterial infection in the site of the surgical wound, otherwise known as a socket.
  • Pain due to drying of the socket or the dislodging of the post-surgical clot from the location of the operation.
  • Harm to the neighboring nerves, maxilla, teeth, or sinuses. 

Clinic With The Best Arrangement

Pain, swelling, and difficulty in chewing are common in teeth problems, often remedied with removable fake teeth in Jaipur. However, in seriously impacted wisdom tooth issues, the surgical method is usually the only practical way. It is always best to go through these surgical procedures in a clinic where all the needed medicines and instruments are present. So, if you are looking for the most effective management for your impacted wisdom teeth, get in touch with Dr. Nawal’s Dental Clinic for the best treatment.

By Dr. Rajesh Nawal

5 Usual Causes of Pain after Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment or RCT is mainly a preservative procedure. In earlier cases, extraction was the only available treatment to get rid of the problems caused by an infected tooth. In RCT, the dentist drills the tooth and clears the channel inside of the infected and purulent pulp matter. This procedure ensures that the patient can use their original teeth in the day-to-day functions, as much as possible. 

Infection in the pulp is the main source of the pain, however, this procedure allows the developed teeth to continue their job without the infected pulp. Still, pain in the oral cavity after a root canal treatment is not unheard of. Let us know five of the reasons why we may have to consult the most proficient dental specialist endodontist in Jaipur:

Inflammation after the operation

One of the commonest causes of pain after a root canal treatment is the inflammation occurring in the oral cavity, site of the RCT, or the enamel itself. Mainly two types of the phenomenon are found to be responsible for this event; either the operation itself causes the inflammation in the teeth, or secondary infection by different bacteria in the tooth ligament can cause the painful inflammation. In both cases, the swelling is observed to subside within a few days on its own. If the pain and the swelling persist, it is time to consult the most effective Dentist in Jaipur for the appropriate actions- medical or surgical. 


This reason is associated with the first one mentioned here. Secondary infection by different bacteria can cause pain in the oral cavity of the patient. The infection may occur during the operation of the teeth, or the infected pulp may be left behind by the dentist after the operation. In either case, the offending bacteria cause an infection inside the dental cavity and this can cause immense pain in the dental regions. Like the swelling, the infection can also reduce after some time as the body’s immune system starts fighting against it. If the infection spreads too much, the most proficient Dentist in Jaipur will prescribe antibiotics. The dose and the consumption of the antibiotics will be prescribed by the dentist on a per-patient basis.

Too large filling

During the RCT procedure, the dentist takes out the infected pulp and cleans the channels completely. After the operation is done, the space will be filled with a rubber-like material. This material, if used more than the needed amount, causes the treated tooth to sit higher. In this condition, the patient will feel pain in the tooth whenever he or she bites down. Contrary to inflammation or infection, this pain will not reduce on its own. However, the dentist can adjust the filling to counter this particular issue during the operation. 

Incomplete root canal

The molar teeth have multiple canals, and during the RCT procedure, each of them needs to be thoroughly cleaned. In Nawal’s Dental Clinic, the most skilled dental specialist endodontist in Jaipur ensures complete treatment without any problem. However, if all the canals are not cleaned somehow, or the doctor misses some of the damaged nerves which ought to be taken out, the patient will experience pain after the RCT. In both cases, the initial pain will not subside easily and the patient will experience pain when the teeth come in contact with any hot, cold, or acidic food. 

Damage to the neighboring tissues

During a root canal procedure, the tissue can get damaged in several ways. Some of the ways can be listed as:

  1. If bacteria or other contaminating organism gets introduced into the oral cavity.
  2. The filling material is used in excess and the flow crosses the root tip.
  3. The surgical instruments used in the RCT slip beyond the root tip and poke the underlying tissue.

In all the above-mentioned cases, the pain in the tooth resolves by itself. The injury in the tissues will need to be healed. The dentist may prescribe painkillers and antibiotics in case of extreme pain and discomfort. In case of constant and ongoing pain, it is better to consult the dentists of Nawal’s Dental Clinic, the most liked institution for root canal repair in Jaipur.

Taking care after RCT

The mishaps occurring during the operation do cause pain and discomfort in the patient. However, the patients also need to take care of their oral cavities and maintain dental hygiene. Brushing and flossing after the main meals is a good practice and should be continued. Also, the patient should stick to the prescribed medication schedule, if any, and consume foods that don’t damage the filling or the teeth operated on. It is best to consult the skilled dentists of Nawal’s Dental Clinic providing top-class root canal repair in Jaipur and follow their suggestions.

By Dr. Rajesh Nawal

Teeth Aligners – How Effective Are They?

Are you looking for a way to reposition your teeth? Or do you like smile beautification? Both procedures are interrelated, and the dentist can achieve both of them by putting gentle but continuous pressure on the teeth to place them into a new position. 

Traditionally, metal braces were used for this purpose. Nowadays, the modern orthodontists of the most popular Dental Clinic in Jaipur can provide you with clear and transparent teeth aligners. But are you unsure about their materials, mode of operation, or efficacy? Read this article further to know more.

What Are Teeth Aligners?

Teeth aligners are trays made of unique material used to straighten the teeth, just like braces. They apply moderate and continuous force on the teeth and move them into the needed place. In the teen tears, you must have seen young people wear braces to reposition their teeth. The adults are also now going down the same route to have their smiles corrected by the most proficient dentists.

The Process 

The teeth aligners are custom-made for one user. First, the impression of the teeth is digitally captured and fed into special processing software. The software computes the future positions of the teeth. It then provides the optimum dimensions of the aligners to achieve the straightest teeth. With this data, the milling machine fabricates the set of teeth for you. For complete alignment, a person usually needs 25 – 40 sets on average. 

The patients prefer teeth aligners because they fit tightly over the teeth and, because of their removable nature, pose no problem on the eating and drinking of the wearer. After use for some time, they virtually become a body part. In addition, maximum teeth aligner users have not reported any speech problems. 

The Evolution Of Teeth Aligners

Teeth aligners have been marketed since 1998 with the brand name Invisalign. The manufacturer made the first version of this product from a thin, flexible thermoplastic material named SmartTrack. These dental devices were designed to make orthodontic treatment “less conspicuous.” Although these trays were not completely invisible, they fit tightly over the teeth and are much more noticeable than the wires and brackets of traditional metal braces. 

The manufacturer started to market an improved version of the product in 2010 with better efficacy because of its capacity to deliver improved force on the wearer’s teeth. You can find the most modern transparent braces in Jaipur at the best clinic for orthodontic treatment. 

What dental issues are corrected by teeth aligners?

Teeth aligners are used mainly in smile correction and teeth repositioning. However, they are also used in overcrowding, spacing, and minor and moderate bite issues. Teeth aligners can be used in the following problems:

  • Types of an overbite, underbite, and cross-bite issues.
  • Open bite
  • Crowded teeth
  • A gap in teeth.

Teeth aligners have been reported to treat arch problems in patients effectively. However, in severe bite issues, it is observed to have limited efficacy. 

Care While Using Aligners

Teeth aligners are more comfortable than metal braces but require specific steps for taking proper care. The experienced orthodontist of the best dental clinic will suggest particular guidelines, some of which are listed below:

  • The patient will have to wear the aligners for 20 – 22 hours a day.
  • The aligners will have to be changed after every one or two weeks.
  • The aligners will need to be removed while eating, flossing, and brushing. The patient should never wear the aligners, especially while consuming something hot. 
  • The aligners must be kept clean. It is better to brush them when the patient is undergoing their daily dental hygiene routine.
  • The patient must keep the aligners dirt-free at all times. It is better to store them in the container provided by the dentists of the most effective dental braces in Jaipur when it is not being used. 

The Difference With Traditional Metal Braces

Metal braces are the traditional methods used by the previous generation dentists to correct the patients’ smiles or position their teeth. While teeth aligners are equipped to do it also, for some issues, metal braces act better. Let us know about the differences between using teeth aligners and traditional metal braces, as follows:


Traditional Braces

Teeth Aligners


Easily noticeable

Not easily spotted



Removable – wearers can remove them while eating, brushing, and flossing.

Oral hygiene

May pose problems in daily healthy oral care

No problem in maintaining routine healthy oral hygiene practices


Can cause abrasion in the oral cavity

It fits snugly on the teeth

Duration of wearing

Longer than the clear aligners (vary from case to case)

It takes relatively less time than traditional braces (differ from case to case)

The patients will have to continue taking proper oral care even after the treatment is completed. 

The Efficacy Of Dental Aligners

Although dental aligners draw less attention to the wearer, their efficacy is not better than dental braces in all respects. Studies involving different teeth aligners are inconclusive due to small sample sizes, and traditional metal braces are considered more effective in serious bite issues. Moreover, the patient will have to visit the dentist every six months to ensure their setting and corrected smile remains intact. The dentist may prescribe retainers to continue the optimum placement of the teeth. 

Get in touch with Dr. Nawal’s Dental Clinic for the best treatment and advice for your dental problem.

Why Do I Need To Undergo Professional Dental Cleaning

By Dr. Rajesh Nawal

Why Do I Need To Undergo Professional Dental Cleaning

Regular visits to your dentist and Hygienist will ensure that your teeth last as long as possible. It is important to note that gum disease is very common, affecting people of all ages. Unfortunately gum disease causes damage to the bone supporting teeth and this process eventually causes the teeth to become mobile and eventually ‘fall out’ Gum disease ( periodontal disease) is the most common cause of tooth loss in adults. The good news is that gum disease can be treated by a dentist or hygienist and if treated in the early stages it’s effects can be reversed.

What Causes Gum Disease

Plaque, a mixture of food, bacteria and bacterial waste products, builds up on your teeth within minutes or hours after eating. When plaque is left on your teeth, it irritates the gums (gingival). This early stage of gum disease is called gingivitis.

If gingivitis is not treated, the gums begin to pull away from your teeth, leaving a little pocket around the tooth. This pocket traps plaque that can’t be reached with tooth brushing. Plaque that is not removed hardens to tartar (calculus). Plaque and tartar build-up, causing further irritation.

The irritation caused by plaque and tartar gradually starts to affect the bone structures around your teeth. As time goes on, the pockets get deeper and more difficult to clean, and the gum and bone recede, so that some of the root may be visible. This can make your teeth wobbly. This stage is called chronic (long-term) periodontists. After years, the teeth may fall out, or they may need to be taken out by a dentist

What Makes Gum Disease More Likely

Gum disease happens when plaque builds up because the teeth are not cleaned properly. This is more likely to happen if you find it difficult to clean your teeth properly, for example, if you wear braces, have dentures or have irregularities in your teeth that you can’t reach with a toothbrush. Fillings, crowns, bridges or missing teeth can make tooth brushing more difficult and make one more susceptible to gum disease.

What Treatment is Available

In order to diagnose periodontal disease it is important that you visit your dentist regularly. Your dentist should carry out a periodontal examination to assess the health status of your gums. Using a periodontal probe the dentist will check the depths of the tissues around the natural teeth (periodontal pockets). This will usually give an indication as to the severity of the periodontal problem. The deeper the pocket the more difficult it will be to clean adequately.

Interesting Facts about Gum Disease

  • Gum disease is extremely common and affects 3 out of every 4 adults over the age of 35 in INDIA.
  • The main symptoms of gum disease are sore, bleeding gums during tooth brushing.
  • Gum disease, not tooth decay, is the biggest cause of tooth loss.
  • Only 60% of women in the INDIA aged 50 can claim to have all of their own teeth.
  • Gum disease isn’t just something that happens later in life, more than half of teenagers have some form of gum disease.
  • Smoking causes 50% of all cases of gum disease in the INDIA.


Dental Checkups

Most people know the importance of getting regular dental checkups, yet many people still neglect their dental health. You may resist a checkup due to dental phobia, lack of time, concern about being lectured for poor oral hygiene or any number of reasons.

When you avoid regular checkups, you may find yourself at the dentist only when dental emergencies come up. Because the treatments for dental emergencies can be painful, this may exacerbate issues like dental phobia or make you feel even more self-conscious about your oral hygiene. The best way to avoid these painful and embarrassing dental emergencies, however, is to take control of your oral health and see your dentist for regular checkups.

Most dentists recommend you receive a dental check up every six months. In some cases, however, your dentist may recommend more frequent checkups; for instance, if you suffer from advanced diabetes. Consult with your dentist to determine exactly how often you should visit.


Some of The Advantages of Regular Dental Checkups are –

  • Regular professional cleanings keep your teeth and gums in the best condition possible.
  • Preventing infection and spotting problems early can reduce the need for cost intervention in the future.
  • Your dentist can check for any signs of oral cancer; early detection can save your life.
  • Your dentist can check your brushing and flossing techniques and assure you are doing everything properly.
  • You can ask your dentist any questions you may have about maintaining oral health and dealing with dental emergencies.
  • If any changes in your oral health are noticed, your dentist can help you formulate an effective oral hygiene strategy to prevent additional problems.
  • Proper professional cleanings help reduce the occurrence of bad breath.

What are Tooth Extractions Needed?

One of the most frequently performed dental procedures is tooth extraction. In fact, tooth extractions often serve as the foundation of comprehensive dental treatment solutions. Therefore, it is important to understand why tooth extraction is considered an extremely important procedure in dental treatment.

Some Common Reasons Why Dentists Perform Tooth Extractions

Tooth Damage

From broken teeth to gum disease, many forms of tooth damage require tooth extraction. In case, the patient has severely decayed or cracked teeth, tooth extraction may become the sole option to fix the damage permanently.

Dentists may also consider tooth extraction as an alternative to other treatment options that are more expensive or offer short-term relief. For instance, when the teeth aren’t suitable for root canal treatment, tooth extraction may be needed. Moreover, patients with severe cases of gum disease also need tooth extraction, especially when the bones are damaged and the teeth become extremely loose.

Tooth Mal-positioning or Non-Functioning

Mal-positioning is yet another reason why teeth may require extraction. A patient with poorly aligned teeth may opt for tooth extraction. For instance, the dentist may extract a patient’s third molars to end cheek irritation that results from the rubbing of molars.

There are other instances when extraction is required for removing non-functional teeth, which have little or no purpose in the mouth but increase the chances of developing other dental problems. In some cases, patients develop third molars but there aren’t any matching teeth for biting against. Because it is hard to properly clean and thoroughly brush this particular mouth region, the third molars along with neighboring molars have greater chances of becoming decayed. And this is when; tooth extraction seems to be the only dental solution to end the problem.

Orthodontic Issues

This is the third reason why tooth extractions are typically needed. When devising an orthodontic treatment plan, dentists may suggest increasing the jaw length by extracting strategically-located teeth.

It is important to understand that when teeth are removed or extracted, the neighboring teeth have a tendency to drift into the empty space. And if the dentist doesn’t devise an effective strategy for tooth extraction, there can be dramatic alignment changes that can significantly impact the patient’s overall dental health.

Sometimes, improper tooth extraction can even result in chewing problems or issues with jaw-joint functioning. Furthermore, the spaces between shifted teeth can start trapping food particles and debris, thereby increasing the chances of developing gum disease and tooth decay.

According to dental experts, tooth extraction isn’t always the best and most affordable dental solution. Depending on the nature of tooth damage and other factors associated with the patient’s dental health, a proper dental treatment plan should be devised to address any consequences or problems that the extraction may follow. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult an experienced and qualified dentist to avoid any future problems with tooth extraction.

What is Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Wisdom tooth extraction is characterized by a surgical procedure where one wisdom tooth or more than one wisdom teeth are removed. The four permanent teeth at your mouth’s top and bottom back corners are known as wisdom teeth.

Normally, the extraction of a wisdom tooth is done when there isn’t enough room for the tooth to grow. This is known as an impacted wisdom tooth, which can cause infection and pain as well as other oral problems. Removing wisdom teeth is usually performed by a specially trained dental professional. According to an experienced dentist at Brighton Implant Clinic, a wisdom tooth extraction should be performed as a prevention against future problems even if impacted teeth are not leading to problems.

When Does a Dentist Perform Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Extraction of a wisdom tooth is performed if impacted teeth cause problems such as:

  • Pain
  • Damage to the adjacent tooth
  • Wisdom tooth infection
  • Development of cyst around the tooth
  • Complications with orthodontic procedures
  • Damage to the surrounding bone

Are there any risks associated with wisdom tooth extraction?

Usually, removing wisdom teeth does not cause long-term complications. Here are some problems that may occur:

  • Socket infection from trapped food particles or bacteria
  • Dry socket
  • Damage to the nerves, leading to altered sensation in the tongue, lower lip or chin
  • No surgery is needed, hence its simpler for both patient and dentist than the other alternatives
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SMILE SPOILERS like improper alignment of teeth, spacing between teeth, broken teeth, old fillings, attrition or wearing of enamel of teeth, smoking stains, yellow teeth, black gums, protruding teeth, jaw size discrepancies, gummy smile, fluorosis etc can be corrected and mended using a host of treatments like braces, veneers, bleaching and depigmentation.

Technological advancements are slowly decreasing the need for unsightly braces. Invisible aligners like INVISALIGN have done away with fixed wires and made the treatment invisible. Aligners are removable, transparent, do not cause food lodging, easier to maintain and patient acceptance is also better. Wilkodontics can decrease the duration of alignment treatment to as short as three months. VENEERS are instant smile correction techniques to make your smile radiant with the shape and size to suit your facial structure.

Anti-ageing treatments – restoration of lower facial height lost due to loss of enamel. LASER tooth whitening procedures are long lasting.

Most cosmetic problems also indicate an underlying functional problem – corrections will offer a better quality of life, early detection in childhood can simplify treatment.

BAD BREATH AND BLEEDING GUMS indicate gum disease which will soon lead to tooth loss. It may be due to aging, diabetes, pregnancy or genetics.

Technological advancements like LASERS ensures faster healing, less bleeding. Microscopic Dentistry improves precision. Nowadays targeted treatments and growth factors from one’s own body are also used for rapid healing. Cell culture technology are the latest developments.

Gum disease is usually due to plaque and calculus accumulation around the teeth. If addressed early, the tooth can be saved. Delay in treatment will result in tooth fall.

Sensitivity is usually an early symptom of decay, gum recession, over-zealous brushing or hard clenching or grinding habit.

Technological advancement like LASER Desensitisation, Dental loupes assisted root coverage procedures, tooth coloured fillings can cure sensitivity and save the teeth.

Before blindly following what the advertiser in the television tells, it is mandatory to check for the underlying reason and treat the same. In gum recession covering of the exposed, sensitive part of the root by gum treatments is done. Ignoring the symptom or resorting to over the counter relief measures – almost always leads to tooth loss.

PAIN in the tooth or mouth is usually due to deep decay in the tooth, wisdom tooth eruption, food collection inside gum pockets, ulcers or cracked tooth. The dentist will examine you and may need to take an x-ray to check the spread of infection.

Technological advancements like apex locators, flexible rotary tools, laser root canal, microscope assisted dentistry, have reduced the duration of treatment and the discomfort involved. Precious Metal Crowns improve durability and ensure zero allergies.

Do not use over the counter medication to treat dental pain. Clove oil cannot stop the spread of infection. If the cause of the pain is found early, the tooth can be restored to normal function.

Treatment Option

Root Canal Treatment

With luxurious ambiance, A-star hospitality, the Nawal’s Dental is a completely inimitable experience in Dentistry. Everything from the quality of the smiles that greet you to the smiles that leave the place is of a much higher stature.

With sophisticated technology and finest dentist in the world we practice almost painless procedure for a precise outcome. Our specialist in smile designing, laser dentistry, and sedation dentistry are determined to restore confident smile and to offset pain from dental procedures.

Now it is time for you to move over ordinary dental care, to get over your fear of dentists, to forget about cramped dental offices, painful treatments, and fear of catching infection due to a non-sterile atmosphere, inadequate infrastructure, and ill experienced dentists. It is time for you to Come and experience the dental care beyond the ordinary.

Fast Dental Treatment

Keeping up with changing times and tight schedules of patients, we have endeavored to keep treatment time and visits minimal. This in no way has been by virtue of compromising treatment quality. On the contrary, the best of machinery and materials have been sourced to ensure faster and more efficient working with the best possible end result.

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    Why Do I Need To Undergo Professional Dental Cleaning
    Why Do I Need To Undergo Professional Dental Cleaning