Dental treatment for children is a necessity for prevention. Decay in childhood is common due to brushing and oral habits, usage of some medications like inhalers for wheezing.
Exclusive pediatric specialists, child-friendly atmosphere, play area to relax the children made the mandatory 6 months preventive check up routine into a “family outing”
Untreated child hood dental disease is the very cause of dental alignment problems in adulthood. It is possible to maintain kids 100% decay free children if regular preventive treatments are performed once in 6 months.
Pediatric Dentistry
Children require regular check up and maintenance in order to preserve the teeth and prevent early loss of milk teeth.
Preventive Treatments
Fluoride application toughens the teeth and prevents decay. Needs to be done once in 6 months
Pit and Fissure Sealants
Sealing of the pits and grooves of the teeth prevents food from sticking and prevents decay. Needs to be done once in 6 months
While the milk tooth can be filled if decayed, deeper cavities may require removal of the infected pulp tissue called pulpectomy or pulpotomy. Some deep cavities may require pulp capping.
Stainless Steel Crowns
Stainless steel preformed crowns (3M) are used to cover the decayed tooth and provide the chewing efficiency, prevent the spread of decay and to maintain the space till the permanent counterpart erupts.
Strip Crowns
Strip crowns are used to restore front teeth since stainless steel would not be aesthetically pleasing
Space Maintainer
When milk teeth are lost earlier than the permanent teeth are mature for an eruption, space needs to be preserved otherwise the child may have an arrangement problem or locking of the tooth in the bone. That may require extensive treatments later
Habit Breakers
Thumb sucking, mouth breathing, nail biting, lip sucking habits need to be broken after the age of 4 years. The pediatric dental specialist can design a special appliance and custom make it for the child to help break the habit